Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Birthday Greeting

A birthday greeting flushed across
a cyberline and landed pooped
at the right space. Great!

Gabriel will have his birthday
wish and all the wishes
he could wish, as long as
he does not wish for an alien
autumn to vanish.
30 November 2005
(revised 30 July 2006)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Reciting the Alphabet

A is the first letter of the alphabet
and we have to travel a length
of rope before we reach Z.
Can we recite our life,
like children reciting the alphabet,
from A to Z then to A again
until we are sure of what is to come
before we reach Z?
Just so to know
what should have been.
15 November 2005
(revised 2 August 2006)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Different World

As your anniversary draws near,
I spend my nights trying to catch
sleep with both hands
but like the air, it slips
through the gaps of my fingers
though I keep them well shut.
As my eyelids flicker
at the blinding glare
of my computer, I wonder
where you are now.
Can someone just disappear
like the last puff
of breath they give out?
Or are they lingering in the air,
in a different form,
in a different dimension,
in a different world?
12 November 2005
(revised 30 July 2006)